How AI Will Transform the CRE Landscape

How AI Will Transform the CRE Landscape

Artificial intelligence has been around for decades, but only recently has it come to the forefront of the zeitgeist with the advent of ChapGPT, and many commercial brokers and investors are already benefitting greatly from its capabilities. I have been studying how best to leverage the technology to implement into our business via a course at MIT, attended the The Real Deal AI conference, read articles, and have listened to multiple podcasts on the subject. Yet, I am only scratching the surface on its implications.

To illustrate the top eight ways that AI will transform the commercial real estate brokerage business, I’d like to share two lists on the subject. One that I wrote and one that ChatGPT wrote. Both are shared below but I’m curious which list readers believe is written by me and which is AI-generated, and which one they preferred:

List 1

1)      Marketing Material Creation: Utilizing ChatGPT or other generative AI to produce marketing materials including property descriptions, neighborhood and demographic information, supporting graphics, and comparable sales information.

2)      Smart Conversations: AI chatbots can engage with customers to qualify and learn their preferences for sale or lease options. Preliminary questions can be answered to help educate the customer and offer the best options to consider.

3)      Lead Generation: AI can identify and generate sales leads for a broker. Machine learning can analyse data on buyers and sellers to predicatively determine likely prospects for future business.

4)      Data Enrichment: AI can enrich the organization's data sets by gathering real estate information and supplementing it with relevant, contextual data to comprehensively understand the market.

5)      Text Summarizing: Natural language processing can review and summarize documents such as lease and contract information. For example, lease abstracts can now be generated by AI.

6)      Valuations: AI can determine property values. Machine learning can transfer property financials and create investment models.

7)      Multilingual Support: Content can be translated into multiple languages. Brokers can utilize to interact with investors from around the world.

8)      Marketplace Development: Creating a digital marketplace for transacting complex assets, leveraging AI to match buyers and sellers efficiently.

List 2

1)      Data Analysis and Predictive Analytics: AI can process vast amounts of data quickly and identify patterns, enabling brokers to make more informed decisions. Predictive analytics can help anticipate market trends, property value changes, and investment opportunities.

2)      Automated Valuation Models (AVMs): AI-powered AVMs can streamline the property valuation process by analyzing historical data, market trends, and various property features. This can save time for brokers and provide more accurate valuations.

3)      Virtual Assistants and Chatbots: AI-driven virtual assistants and chatbots can handle routine tasks such as answering client queries, scheduling appointments, and providing property information. This allows brokers to focus on more complex aspects of their work.

4)      Enhanced Property Search and Matching: AI algorithms can improve the property search process by understanding client preferences and matching them with suitable properties more efficiently. This personalization can lead to better client satisfaction and faster deal closures.

5)      Facility Management and Maintenance: AI can assist in monitoring and managing property conditions by analyzing sensor data. Predictive maintenance algorithms can anticipate issues before they become critical, ensuring that properties are well-maintained and operational.

6)      Market Trend Analysis: AI can analyze market trends, economic indicators, and other relevant data sources to provide brokers with valuable insights. This information can aid in making strategic decisions and adapting to changes in the real estate market.

7)      Risk Assessment and Due Diligence: AI algorithms can enhance the due diligence process by analyzing legal documents, financial statements, and other relevant information to identify potential risks associated with a property. This helps brokers and investors make more informed decisions.

8)      Blockchain for Transactions: Integrating AI with blockchain technology can enhance the security and transparency of real estate transactions. Smart contracts can automate parts of the transaction process, reducing the need for intermediaries and potentially speeding up deal closures.

While AI offers significant potential benefits, it’s important to understand that its implementation should be accompanied by careful consideration of ethical, legal, and privacy implications. Additionally, the success of AI in commercial real estate brokerage will depend on how well professionals in the industry adapt to and integrate these technologies into their workflows.